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Flights Bucha — Bundaberg

3 minutes to find
and buy a ticket

  • 14 360 km
    between the cities

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Air tickets Bucha — Bundaberg

Bucha is a provincial town and has no airport. That is why to get to Bundaberg, you need to reach a larger city close to Bucha first, from there you'll be able to fly.

Bucha: larger cities nearby

Kiev — 24.79 km
Zhytomyr — 115.43 km
Chernihiv — 130.78 km
Cherkasy — 178.99 km
Vinnitsa — 191.2 km
Gomel — 217.72 km.

Bucha: airports nearby

Flight schedule Bucha — Bundaberg

It is impossible to buy direct flights Bucha — Bundaberg, because the former does not have an airport. However, pretty close the following airports are to be found:

Zhulhany — 23.09 km
Borispol — 54.34 km
Vinnitsa — 184.47 km
Gomel — 227.47 km.

Airports in Bundaberg

Hotels in Bundaberg

Find the best accommodation in Bundaberg on search for hotels by price, popularity, trip ranking, accommodation type and rendered services.

Bundaberg — general information

IATA code — BDB.

City Latitude: -24.85.

City longtitude: 152.35.

Australia — general information

Area: 7686850.

Population: 22450000

Population density: 2.92.

Phone code: 61.

Bucha: general information

Latitude — 50.54345.

Longitude — 30.21201.0

Population — 42279.

Latitude — .

Longitude — .

Population — .

Bucha — general information

Area: 603700.

Population: 45872000

Population density: 75.98.

Phone code: 380.