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Flights Yelets — Coonabarabrn

3 minutes to find
and buy a ticket

  • 14 085 km
    between the cities

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Air tickets Yelets — Coonabarabrn

Yelets is a provincial town and has no airport. That is why to get to Coonabarabrn, you need to reach a larger city close to Yelets first, from there you'll be able to fly.

Yelets: larger cities nearby

Lipetsk — 64.59 km
Voronezh — 115.8 km
Kursk — 186.08 km
Tambov — 197.93 km.

Yelets: airports nearby

Flight schedule Yelets — Coonabarabrn

It is impossible to buy direct flights Yelets — Coonabarabrn, because the former does not have an airport. However, pretty close the following airports are to be found:

Lipetsk — 74.15 km
Voronezh — 117.06 km
Kursk — 180.69 km
Tambov — 201.84 km.

Airports in Coonabarabrn

Hotels in Coonabarabrn

Find the best accommodation in Coonabarabrn on search for hotels by price, popularity, trip ranking, accommodation type and rendered services.

Coonabarabrn — general information

IATA code — COJ.

City Latitude: -31.337.

City longtitude: 149.272.

Australia — general information

Area: 7686850.

Population: 22450000

Population density: 2.92.

Phone code: 61.

Yelets: general information

Latitude — 52.62366.

Longitude — 38.50169.0

Population — 115688.

Latitude — 52.5.

Longitude — 39.

Population — 1173513.

Yelets — general information

Area: 17075400.

Population: 143300000

Population density: 8.39.

Phone code: 7.